Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of employment (compared to ...

More Jobs:

  • The employer pays half of Social Security and Medicare taxes. At one point, the employer is obliged to half of Social Security and Medicare taxes to pay employees and the employee pays half. Self-employed people pay both halves, with a total of 15.3 percent of wages, through self-employment tax.
  • Employer collects income tax payroll. Though no one likes to see taxes on wages, payroll taxes are convenient for an employee who does not send checks on the levels of government, such as calculation and estimated tax payments.
  • Employees are protected by the laws on minimum wages. Independent contractors are not protected by law and therefore may be less than the minimum wage to be paid.
  • Job security is probably better. During the employment alone is certainly not a guarantee of job security, employers are more time training employees and subcontractors.
  • The unemployment be available if you lose your job. Employers do not pay for unemployment insurance, but in general, the employer. So if you lose your job as an employee, you can - depending on the circumstances - be able to collect unemployment.
  • Services can be offered. Certainly not all jobs are benefits such as paid vacations, health insurance and retirement plans, but never do the positions of the setting. This is one reason why companies hire contractors - to raise money for services to save.
  • Payments are made at regular intervals. Employees receive paychecks on a regular basis, usually every two weeks or every week. Independent contractors paid for all work at the end of a project that could last for a month or longer.
  • Employers absorb more costs of labor. During employee can costs (such as uniforms and home office costs), companies usually pay for items employees to do their job. Self-employed have to pay for these business expenses.

Fewer Jobs:

  • Employees have less flexibility in the planning and work. Employees must at work sometimes (even if they work at home). Your work can be closely monitored. Employers have much more freedom to work at their own pace until the tasks are completed.
  • The positions are less likely to be at work at home. Though it working many jobs from home is the freedom of the schedule will be the setting work from home, is most likely a contractor.
  • Wage rates may be lower. Because companies pay for services and social contributions, employees are usually more expensive. You can by them to compensate for lower hourly compensation.
  • Income tax over regular compensation. This means that the payment amount is less and the government wants more money for the taxes if you made advance tax payments.
  • Office expenses at home are more difficult to pull off taxes. Nevertheless, it is possible that an employee deduct a home office, but there are some conditions, including that the employee must work at home for the convenience of the employer.

I am not a lawyer for tax preparation, accountant or tax advisor. The information presented here as a general guide. For specific questions about your own taxes, see IRS publications or consult a tax advisor.

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