Thursday, September 4, 2014

Lunchbox and not in your child and # 039 Pack

Of course, the parents do not want their school lunches are carefully boomerang back, packed without eating or even worse, end up in the trash in the school cafeteria. However, the fact that parents have very little influence on what actually happens in the school canteen. So the question should parents not only what to pack for lunch, but to consider not packed.

Just as sure to win it in the lunch box; there are losers as well. So if you want your kids to start their school day in the afternoon with a full stomach, make:

  1. Eating Messy
    If your son is a messy eater and do not want to spend their evenings and weekends to remove stains on the clothes of the school, this is obvious. But really, it's not only messy eaters. Every child can run out, and then they will bring the amount released during the day. Age as it is more embarrassing. Left, therefore, the minimization of elements, the major spots.
    Avoid red, like tomato sauce or tomato sauce and drinks or other liquids (such as yogurt in a tube) with bright colors. And do not put mustard.

  2. Foods that are not allowed
    Know the school rules and follow them, even if you do not agree. Your child is, the consequences (and perhaps hungry when lunch "alternative" is served) by going to suffer items that are not allowed.
    Anything that does not allow the school, could the peanut butter, nuts, candy, chewing gum / fruit snacks, lemonade, juice, chips are to be avoided.

  3. Article kids need help
    Children have much time for lunch, dinner and teachers and assistants can open an item for one child at a time. At the time of the kindergartener his coffee has opened for him fruit, lunch can be more. And if he treats himself, he can get in his lap. High bottles are easily shot down by the smallest. Of course, as children grow older is less of a problem, but the practice of opening this ability to accelerate score at home kids.
    Avoid fruit cups, yogurt, cheese sticks, bags of chips, bottles with caps, you need to break a plastic ring in the first opening, etc., until the children can open without assistance.

  4. Foods that are not properly packaged
    Make sure that you carefully prepared dinner. Nothing is that lunch provide will be full without eating a spilled bottle of juice. Although we know that a sandwich tastes crushed, the children will pull to one side. If you plan foods that should be hot or cold get a quality lunch box designed to pack food at the correct temperature to keep. Besides the obvious safety concerns, things like string cheese or yogurt is not very appetizing at room temperature.
    Make sure all covers firmly; pack goods for crushing containers to drive; Use only containers with airtight closure; Check that the water bottles are in good condition, and that the rubber rings intact in insulated containers are injected.

  5. Every day the same
    After all, if the variety the spice of food! Of course, there are certainly some children for whom this is not true. These children can eat the same thing day after day, but over time, they can also get tired of PB & J, after six months of it. Most children, however, still prefer more variety than that. However, as a parent, if you are a fan favorite that you want to keep it found.
    Make sure to turn both the starters and main course on a weekly basis, or, if possible, every day; instead that "favorites" could lose its luster and end up in the trash.

  6. Embarrassing, smelly or not fresh food
    The dining room is more than just a place to consume food; This is a social scene. And it is very difficult for a child, also can navigate without embarrassing lunch. While there is no reason why we need to teach our children to always meet with the stupidity of the social conventions of the primary school, we had to make matters worse. We all have the nose to see your child's lunch aspiration, whether it could give unwanted attention.
    Tuna, garlic, liver pate, cheese and smelly remains of ethnic foods to avoid.

  7. The things they do not like!
    I know this seems obvious, but for us parents, Esser, hope dies picky. It is tempting to fall into something new or something that has been rejected. But the surprises are not welcome to stay in school in general. Sometimes, however, it's just that the father does not remember anything, and that the children are hungry, because my mother put grape jelly on the sandwich instead of the strawberry. Many children throw everything they do not like to avoid, "Why do not you eat carrots?" Conversation.
    Tip: Let's help the children, so that you get the packed school feeding the low-down on what you really want for lunch.
All this seems too complicated for your school in the morning? You are not alone! Maybe it's better to buy lunch in the school cafeteria. See the pros and cons of buying school meals.

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