Friday, September 19, 2014

Make the most of your time as a WAHM

For most of us, is the reason why we have become or want to be a mother working at home-a to spend more time with our children. But sometimes, especially in the summer when the kids at home and bored, you may feel too long. In our family of two parents to work at home can mean to the family in the summer time 24/7. And that can be a little too close, so it can be a challenge to ensure that we are only young once the most of this time, for the children.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of this life into the reasons of your family and yourself:

Do not trade time Number of quality time

Make an effort to have it both ways!

Most mothers who work at home are blessed with a greater amount of time with our children than mothers in the traditional workplace. However, as with all the blessings that comes a responsibility with it. Regardless of the number - along with the need to make things out - can mean a reduction in quality.

If you spend time with your children, give them your full attention. In fact, carve time out of your day to do. Think of it as the attention of the parents, the practice of meditation, to be fully aware of the present moment. Children thrive in this environment; they will tell you things you never hear in a hurry now.

, As a parent working at home, I know, but I can not "aware" all the time. In fact, can not be a parent, but the parents who work at home have certain rights that derive their attention. But I can do is to define the principles of my work clearly, so that the children know when to expect my attention. You need to understand that just because I does not mean a physical presence in the house that I use for everything that comes into your head with them. On the other hand, should have the confidence that if I play with them, I never took my job.

But something is just as important, and should, start, in a very early age, children learn to think and act independently. To feel happy, on your own, but my attention away from them.

Multitasking, but not too

I'm not saying multitasking is bad. We all do, and frankly, it is a necessity if you have kids, like any mother looking at their hips, such as spilled milk has to say baby wipes. Both professionally and personally, but it can cause problems if not multi-task efficiently run. So how do you want to be in the moment with their children at a time, you will need your full attention to work on together.

That is, there are many ways to shake a few minutes out of your day two things at once, without the right way multitasking. This could mean that the e-mails put together while waiting for a quick reply activity at the end, laundry and talking on a conference call, read a report if in a waiting room, etc. However, keep an eye on what you really do. If multitasking leads to a variety of tasks half done, you can not guard the very end, you may have to rethink its strategy for time management.


When working on the land, the boundaries between personal and professional life is blurred pretty quickly. And that can cause stress. No path and flexible working hours that many WAHMs, it seems that stress management should be a breeze. Somehow, however, not so. Stress management is a skill that every mother who works at home needs to master.

It is easy to check e-mail before going to bed, and then end up typing on his computer after midnight. The fact that you can do something does not mean you should always. And provide basic rules for the behavior of their children, must establish itself.

Take time in your day for exercise or reading or other things that you enjoy. And just because you are during the day at home, that does not mean all the housework should fall at home, something that often happens to mothers working at home. Your partner and children need help.

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