Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7 simple steps to the university center

Ready, set ... shop! Yes, parents, it's time that the tradition is still huge - buy school. If you have multiple children can be overwhelming ready for school - both in terms of cost and time. But organize the school shopping in advance can save you time and money.

First list.

You may already have a list of school supplies for your child's school, but often that's not all you need to buy for school. Also, if you have several children, this means that more than one list. Consolidate in a list and things that do not mention the school, such as clothing or items for use in the home. Segment the list by product type or where you buy it. You can do it on paper or on your phone or tablet to do, depending on what you make yourself better purchases.

Two. Find the school supplies last year.

School Notebook
SXC / brainloc

Collect all the pens, pencils, notepads, flyers, old books, glue sticks, etc. and see what is always good. (Although you bring the kids to pack fresh products to start the year, the old stuff is good for homework, scrap paper, etc.) are water bottles, rulers, protractors, calculators, USB drives and other useful reusable wear out or wear school don 't. Then try on clothes, shoes and school uniforms. Determine what worked, what did not work and that the children "are measures of power. Lunchboxes race, pencil cases and backpacks through the wash (if washable) to see if they presentable enough to use it again. Choose Buy all your school reused products list.

Three. Make a plan.

Organized to do list
Now you have a master list of everything you have for school, know where to get these products at the best prices and selection. Some things - such as backpacks, clothing, uniforms and packed lunches - It may be easier to shop online, while other elements (notebooks, pens, paper, glue, etc.), you probably want to get at a local store. Browse Around Favorite Stores Domingo or the parties that you have the best deals on what your store site.

April. Create a file for school shopping.

Keep this list in a master file with the school supply lists. Add coupons and circulars, noting their expiration dates. Use this file as a place to keep your receipts. (Inevitably, something that you buy is not exactly what the teacher had in mind.) In fact, I wrote the list in a large envelope (8x11 inches or more), which I used all of my coupons, flyers and to keep lists.

Start shopping for school. May

Back to School Shopping
Tim Boyle / Getty
If possible, go on a weekday. If you have just bought school supplies such as notebooks and pencils, it could leave the kids at home, but generally their contribution to necessary things such as clothing, backpacks and lunch boxes. Check the items that you buy. Make sure the right amount to buy. If doubts about the amount you need to buy more. Free only likely to rise in price, which relates to the school year Tools can now buy to save money on school supplies.

6 Keep school supplies for the school year.

Children in school so that you do not deliver for their classrooms week before school starts. Otherwise, these new pencils can be lost or broken device back before the first day of school. Share Add new recycle school supplies for each child, and then things last year. Bag made of old and new elements for each child, ligation of the bags and store them in a remote place. Remove the bags a few days before school starts and check items.

Count to 7 more school shopping more after the start of classes.

List of School Supplies
Getty / Tim Boyle
No matter how organized before school starts, is probably something in return. It could be that the school or teacher you add items from the school year. It could be something that will be sold first. It can be something where you bought the wrong item. Do not stress if it occurs. If this is not immediately necessary (and usually it is not), wait a few days to see if other elements, then go ahead and take advantage of these elements are needed.

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