Thursday, July 24, 2014

Which Micro lab?


With micro lab set small tasks or jobs means for auction or an open call (usually the Internet) to a heterogeneous group of people. These tasks could local jobs, odd jobs or errands can be done or to do the online virtual tasks. Often large data entry projects in many jobs "micro" are divided online to use this kind of work in which individuals purchase all small portions of the entire project.

The online market for micro lab is similar to Google and Bing. However, the efforts of those who Crowdsourcing is often unpaid. Compensating Micro lab is usually very small amounts, but often. Another difference is that often crowdsourcing highly skilled workforce uses (ie software developers), while the jobs are usually micro laboratory (eg shopping, data entry) unskilled.

Related terms:

  • Crowdsourcing - similarly and is sometimes used as a synonym for micro lab, often used crowdsourcing volunteerism.
  • Template websites - sites like Elance, where workers are bidding on projects are examples of sites that to tender; the difference between them and micro lab is the pay scale and complexity of the projects.
  • Independent Contractor - Micro workers are independent contractors, but at the lower end of the wage scale.
  • BPO - Business Process Outsourcing, you will see the difference between a micro and BPO work.
  • Data Entry - Some companies use data entry micro lab break large projects into different data entry tasks performed by a large number of people.
  • Outsourcing - With micro laboratory a kind of outsourcing or offshoring homeshoring is different.

Similar conditions:

Micro workers, micro jobs, micro jobs crowdsourcing
Variations: micro-work, work micro

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