Saturday, August 30, 2014

What is transcription?

Definition: Transcription is a specific type of data entry means conversion of spoken language in written form. This means listening to audio or video (or possibly speak live transcription in real time) and after writing as a written transcript of a recording. Use transcriptionists usually special software; For certain types of word processing software such as Microsoft Word transcription are used.

Find Home Transcription Jobs

Depending on the material recorded, reading levels required. Sometimes the transcript must be true now cleaned for other copyists or paraphrase grammatical errors.

There are many different types of transcription. Specialties include legal transcription, business transcription and medical transcription.

Working in the corner at home: transcription may be a viable option to work from home. However, not all forms of transcription and work all transcripts are translated into a starting position.

Also known as: transcription, typing, typist jobs, general transcription

Common Misspellings: transciption

5 Job nurses can do at home

These nurses provide attorneys, lawyers and others who work in the profession of lawyer in the medical legal questions as experienced injury, neglect, the sample of workers, and more. Normally, this experience is internally instead declares employed as a medical expert. This type of work can vary from the administration and interpretation of medical records to coordinate medical examinations for the customers. A legal nurse consultant is an independent contractor or be employed by a law firm or insurance business. Anyway, the work has to tele at least part-time. Usually, a BSN or master's degree and some courses or legal experience is required.

Law Nurse Consultant Profile

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The phone etiquette for all occasions

"Pay attention to your manners." That's what Mama always said, right? But now that it is the mother, as what good manners has changed, thanks to technology and the accelerated pace of life. As a work at home mom, I know the phone is a very important part of my personal and professional life. So I gathered some resources around the network for telephone manners in all media and for any occasion.

Work Phone Manners

Good telephone manner are essential in any business situation - if you work at home or in an office. But for those of us who work from home, the distractions that come with it our best ways to sabotage telephone. Use my tips for a good phone manners while working at home, you always look professional while working from the home office. To ensure

But obviously it is equally important to have good manners phone in another company to use not only the Ministry of Interior. This 4 Tips for Mobile Phone Etiquette Joy Hicks, Guide to practices offer a large database of what every company should do with significant incoming telephone traffic, to ensure that customers, clients and all Las Incoming calls are always welcome by professionals .

If you work from a home office, you have the advantage of making without disturbing anyone in a position to personal telephone calls. To WAHM work remotely part-time and spend a few days in the brick and mortar office, to take into account the rules for the use of mobile phones at work Dawn Rosenberg McKay, Guide to Career Planning. Remember, the level of professionalism that will be used in the office, reflects his work ethic and is the basis for your boss and colleagues assumptions about what you do while working at home.

Bucki James, Guide provides some details manners of your company with links to articles on the right to transfer or end a call, shapes and greetings voicemail tag.

Phone manners at home

No special rules for good manners telephone in your home life, instead of in his career. Manners telephone company are used in the work are appropriate for your personal life. His sister will not listen to you, to write on the other end of a telephone conversation, or to do their customers, right? And now the background noise in a stress reduction in the minimum phone, whether at work or at home. Therefore, keep these things to make and telephone manners at home also.

Falling between your personal and professional life is somewhere a telephone interview. Often homemade, the interview should convey professionalism. Alison Doyle, Guide to Job Search, offers these tips for job interviews by telephone.

Telephone Manners Children

And while the rules of etiquette phone is not much different between home and work, at home, the parents are responsible for teaching our kids phone etiquette. And again we must set good examples.

This phone item label and Manners by Keath Low, Guide to ADD / ADHD, phone contains 10 rules that all children to teach telephone manners.

Telephone Manners on the Go

Good phone etiquette is one of those things that we all want to see at all, but even not always remember. Read on to see this and the mobile phone etiquette Catherine Roseberry, former Guide, if you are measuring.

Jennifer O'Donnell, Guide Preteens offers good advice for a text label for preteens. And, well, frankly, I think many adults to integrate some of these tips into your life.

How to convince a proposal to your boss, write ...

Perhaps one of the most important things that you prove to your boss in a proposal for Tele that you have done your research. A well-documented proposal not only the necessary points to express, to convince his superiors, but to work well as a demonstration of their ability to autonomously and a quality product. Not just jump in and start writing, make sure to read:

Elements of a proposal for Tele

You can present the proposal with a brief cover letter, especially if it will be distributed to several people. But his own proposal, a company to take over as a client you expect to convince her business could be prepared to do with your project.

Note: The section titles refer to your advantage as a player, not necessarily for its proposal. It is likely that the title of his proposal, but need to adapt properly.


A brief introduction shows what you want and what is good for the company. If you a sample contract telephoto or part-time status as well as the front part. Keep it short, because you. Time after the development of its points


Go to the top of the proposal will briefly show that favorable context information. This could personally identifiable information, such as skills, positive performance reviews, years of work, etc., or information on telework policy or existing flexible working are now. Save more explanations why Tele would be for later, though.

How could telework to work

This is where you get into the practical details, how this arrangement would work. This is probably so that you can be a dense segment information of the proposal, bulleted or share fonts to make it easier on your car (s).

  • Work tasks - What daily, weekly and monthly job tasks you do and how each of them can do at home? If you offer part-time-TELE, the tasks at home and in the office are.
  • Hours - certainly if you work different hours, you have in the office, you will want to touch this subject. But even if you do not want, it is always a good idea, the status of their scheduled times. This can be a guarantee against hope that it works every time.
  • Technology - What technology is required to work for this arrangement? If you already have a laptop at work, so to say. If you want to use your computer at home, say what software / modifications will be needed for this. Are you able to log on to the local network of your company today? If this is the case, for example; If not, describe what needs to be done to make this option available.
  • Costs / logistics - If the new technology needed, pay for it? What does it cost anything? There are many free services that are useful for telecommuters, there may be more of the services your company already paid (eg SharePoint) to use. To work when you come into the office, are you? At home, explain where it works. If you have a dedicated room for your home office, be sure to mention it.
  • Communication - Prepare a communication plan. In addition to specifying how to carry out routine communication with colleagues, clients and caregivers (phone, email, conferences, etc.), you can use a normal telephone appointment with your boss or your use of conference services for meetings. You have to put on events that require face-to-face communication.
  • Disclaimer - Submit a plan for a review of the situation. For example, select a period, for example 90 days, six months later, the Treaty of you and your boss will be reviewed. It is important, if you brought in your proposal or to discuss later, set the expectations of what success looks like to be in advance.

Benefits to Society

Begin with services specific to your situation. How can telework helps to do your best work? And then definitely erwähnens work from home to improve your personal quality of life is worth it, not to run it and make you do it in terms of how you help your job better.

Possible problems and solutions

This is the one you said in the proposal, if it made an obvious potential problem desired information. Only then included in the proposal and must have a viable solution. However, as you write your proposal, you can write down a list of possible problems and their solutions, so that when we answer these questions are about Tele with your boss that you are willing to talk.


If you have small children at home, you can make your child care plan may say, assuming your plan is to have a child care person from himself. And that should be your plan really; no employer wants to pay in order to do two things at once. (For more information on determining the reason for child care while working at home). However, other potential problems that could be a problem to meet in person and not in its formal proposal.

Next Steps

Give your supervisor a clear choice for the next step can help prevent your application that lost in limbo, but it should be an option. It is not a meeting or a hearing on the need. Suggest a time for individual in-depth discussion on the subject.

Summary / Thanks

Hold a brief summary, but it's always good to say thank you.

What is a template website?


A submission site is essentially an online auction for services.

Customers seem to be bidding on the project an independent project on a site template and independent contractors with experience in the project. Candidates often respond by naming a price they would accept for the work and show their skills. Then select the customer a candidate based on their own criteria price and qualification (ie not necessarily the lowest bid).

Made payment for work usually on site presentation. Sites collect tender part of the fee paid for the service.

Submission sites are often used for computer, writing, translating, and other areas that used often hire freelancers on a project basis.

Also known as: Site provides employment, job auction sites, change of freelance

Common Misspellings: bidsite overlooks

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our Century

Century (formerly CenturyTel and EMBARQ) is a provider of broadband, entertainment and voice of consumers and businesses in 33 states. Use the call center agent at home to services and customer service to sell. The Fortune 500 company has its complement of officers call home center over 20 countries. Details see page Qwest.

But to know how it feels to work, read below.

Read more:

For more information about call center, the list of other companies in the virtual call center.

10 ways to make cash at home holiday

This home jobs or business can be a great way to be a few extra holiday money. Even if they are "home" does not necessarily mean that they are all totally done from home. Some involve long periods of time away from home, but working for mom at home with the children in the school or other options for child care can be a way to build a holiday bonus.

Many of these ideas are based on networking as a way to find customers. Ask.'s Friends and family if they are or know of others who would do interest in the services offered Social media to spread the message to their friends. If your school newsletter accepts ads, place there. One type of personal connection as a common school can help potential customers feel more comfortable hiring you. And even better, personalized recommendations will help to attract more customers.

Note, however, that most of these ideas are planned in advance to start and / or months. (The same applies for jobs in call centers holiday.), But if you're reading this in November or December, you can start the seeds for a business trip next year start.

1 work of a (virtual or not) assistant

Do not we love, have an assistant during the holidays? In fact, some people set wizard during the holidays. People are so busy at this time of year - and not much else to do - they outsource some of the tasks you do not like. This could be things like running errands, shopping or gift paper. One way people are willing to pay for these services, the network.

Or become a virtual assistant business how VIPdesk, committing what he called "caretaker at home", to meet the requirements of the booking process in the basket. To find the virtual places and not try virtual task as Task Rabbit.

2 holiday decor

Home decorators hire people - not only because they do not have time to do it myself, but - because they could do a better job, more professional than they want to do themselves. So the talent and experience in floral design or interior design is useful to start a business of Christmas decoration. But what will really convince potential customers to hire a star portfolio of your work. Make sure Decoration take high quality photos of every holiday you do, you can get paid for it or not, and create a book display to customers and / or attract website.

A friend of mine with a Christmas decoration company also has a stand-up crown is a holiday festival. You evergreens, ribbons, pearls and lace and visitors go home with a handmade crown. They not only made money on the stand, but they also found new customers set up for your business.

Boats for sale 3

If you are a homemade craft flat structure, the holiday season is the time to sell. The people are in the market for arts and crafts as a gift. During this time of year, what really sold in the volumes, however, are decorations. How to use your skills to create crafting holiday-themed items, such as ornaments and decorations, and sell them in bazaars and holiday celebrations. But do not wait too long to start, a stock takes time, more cabin space craft fairs are filled early. More information about the sale of handicrafts holiday on the subject.

4 Call Center Jobs

If you only have rather pay extra for the holiday season is not the type of home business, and you simply want, a job in a call center the way to go home. Many jobs in call centers to rent the home to the holiday season recruitment agency of August and September. See the list of companies benefiting from a temporary vacancy in call centers hire at home and read the terms of use of virtual call center and qualifications.

5 eBay

For many countries, the time during the holiday season is not good enough for a garage sale; therefore an eBay online. As perhaps an online business is a long-term home for you, or it can be a way to earn some money in the holiday season. You do not know until you try it. When my children were small, I sold it on eBay items I picked up at flea markets. The benefits were not huge, but has never lost money either. About eBay guides some great tips for holiday sale and what items did they have to sell.

6 Pet / House Sitting

While moving in someone sit to welcome you home during the holiday season is not practical for many of us, many travelers do not need a full-time coverage for your home. Maybe they just want to hire someone to stop checking the house every day, get the e-mail, turn signals or care little maintenance pets such as cats and fish. This article on the home feel like a summer job during the holiday season applied for. He advises offer other services such as cleaning or the dog for a walk when the owner is at home. Again, people are willing to pay for comfort in this time of year.

7 Childcare

Babysitting is not just for teenagers. In fact, often prefer new parents and families with children, an adult and / or parents have to supervise their children. And these are the families often do not have a regular babysitter. Parents often look at so many events, help with child care. Is also closed with schools for the holiday season, many parents need childcare during the Christmas holidays. School or daycare center is a good place to network and offer their services for babysitting.

8 Direct Selling / Home Parties

Depending on what you sell, can the holidays a good time for direct sales. Anything that can be bought as a gift is more likely to sell. (Weight loss and nutrition elements can wait until the new year.) Although people may have more of a budget to spend on many items, they do not have the extra time. How to sell home based party can be more difficult at this time of year, especially if you are just getting started in direct sales and do not have a loyal clientele. So it's easy for people to buy to have a website or face to face contact is the key to this season.

9 Micro Job

If you (often the case during the holidays!) Have only small chunks of time to earn money, micro job may be right for you. Micro job sites like Mechanical Turk allow people to make money, do discrete tasks, similar to data entry jobs at home. Each task can take as little as a few minutes and usually pay only a small amount. But they can add up to enough to help pay for the gifts. Note, however, that many of these sites have a minimum payment threshold (usually about $ 50), so I have to follow the money to move to your account.

10 benefits to make your mobile phone money

Technically, most of these applications make money outside of the house, but during the holiday season, we spend much time outdoors anyway. These 11 lucrative applications can help make money while shopping or traveling. Just be sure not to make money (or time) to lose in them, so please read these traps.

School lunches for kids they pack themselves

Parents, the school lunches kids want to fight pack eat are very close to their own children using code. If they in what happens in school, have a say canteens, children are more likely to eat them - and not the trade or worse thrown away. And when the children master packaging to be your own lunch, there is less work for mom and dad.

Here are some tips to help children to make their own meals.

School lunches the night before.

Teaching children to make their own meals takes time - what most of us have in our typical morning routine school. So meals the night before and who appreciate this task with the support.

Establish guidelines for a healthy lunch.

This is an excellent opportunity to discuss what to teach children a healthy meal. Talk to them about what to go in a healthy lunch at school. Explain that eating something sweet can make them feel tired at the end of the day.

Be specific. Tell them how much of each type of food should do lunch, or, for example, how many cookies should be in the bag. The best way is to work side by side together for a lunch break.

The right food available.

Children can develop a lunch, but can not cook or most foods. So it is up to you to have food on hand so that they can prepare. Make sure that you have a variety of options, so that the children do not pack the same every day.

On the other hand, food may not be obvious who do not want to eat. I know it sounds obvious, but often keep unhealthy foods to as "treatment" or for an adult audience. It's easier to just make you want to eat, rather than every time the food police are good and each element. Select "do not eat" on the remains for another meal be saved.

Ask a dining-how.

You might, if the children were small field had to get a snack their own snacks. Now a lunchbox. Set aside a locker to store items such as lunch-how:

  • Lunch Boxes
  • Bags, plastic wrap
  • Plastic container
  • Water bottles
  • a cutting board
  • Plastic spoon / fork (or metal cutlery is okay to wear to school)
  • Towels

It is probably not practical to keep all the children to get into the food (fresh fruit, bread, etc.) to keep in one place, but food as individually packaged snacks, which is reserved only for lunch. You can also eat a list of things that save be found elsewhere (yogurt in the fridge, tuna in the pantry, etc.) here to visit the children what should be remembered.

Check child labor.

School meals for children may require daily care, how they learn, and you may want to do more, even if they are relevant policy lunch. But if not daily, occasionally surprise inspection - to ensure that children follow their instructions - is a good idea.

Ask the children to empty and clean at the end of the day lunchboxes.

No other parent takes only task lists things to do, makes children more aware of how disgusting the habit of their unfinished food packaging in their lunch boxes. And, of course, when the children empty their lunch boxes, they should know where to find them when the time comes to do lunch again.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Emergence, is a scam or legit call Work-at-Home ...

Virtual arise Solutions is a work of call center companies in the country, the strong opinions for and against inspired.

You will not find these companies at home on my list of work of business because I would not recommend it to my readers (although I have no personal experience with Arise). Some of their business practices - namely waiting for your call center agents repeatedly pay for training - it is something I recommend people my article about the work at home to avoid scams. I say that as a rule, to avoid scams: Do not forget that you are paying jobs; You do not pay for the work.

I have created a list of companies in virtual call centers, none of which contain anywhere near the amount of investment that requires its agents. And so I think there are options out there for much less risky agents to bring virtual call center solutions home.

Although I have a lot of negative opinions about Arise Virtual Solutions, there are always people who are satisfied with Arise. If you worked for Arise, sharing your story.

Connect: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Newsletter

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of job search per month ...

When it comes to the job search, is time-key. Get your CV in front of the right person at the same time they are ready, the object of the provision is of course to start a big advantage. Since we can not predict exactly when that time is (especially when applying for jobs working from home) is a look at setting trends throughout the year can help to optimize your work efforts.

Note that setting happens all year round, even during the crisis of the summer or the hectic holidays, so do not stop after the slowest month, but the use of this resource to give you the time to devote more time to plan on the looking for work.


January is the preferred setting companies ramp up in the first quarter to meet the new objectives of the new year time initiatives. In addition, the holiday season is going on, when tasks holidays and the end of the year were the focus of the setting. Budgets are know in place in January and managers what to spend your needs and how much on them. As employees retire or leave a job at the end of the year and his successor will be hired at that time.

On the other hand, however, the competition for jobs is higher in January that more job seekers who have been also too busy, can flood the market during the holidays to resume. This sense of a new beginning in the new year inspires guests to motivate both recruiters and job seekers in the first month of the year.


Recruitment began in January continued into February. Not every hiring manager is ready by early January and if it will fill several positions, some hiring managers to focus a little later, when February is still the first half of the applicants in January need to start taking in applications.


Mars is slower. It is still the setting goes, but the momentum early in the year and maybe more push / spring-summer seasonal workers who do not necessarily have begun.

What kind of jobs that are work at home in the first quarter available?

All types of businesses set, so it is a good time to explore some of the common resources. Companies like 1-800 Call-Flowers and Teleflora hire temporary employees for Mother's Day in the first quarter of centers.

April to May

In the spring, the tourism industry and the hospitality of the preparation for the summer begins. Schools begin the next school year plan, if still hiring decisions can take months at this point. And anyway, ask a manager to fill the open positions before the summer, when the decision makers are starting to take a vacation in the summer.


June begins the summer season. Earlier this month, when many schools are still in session on holiday exodus has not begun yet, and can still be a public activity. And some last minute holiday can still occur. But overall there is a slowdown in hiring in June.

What type of work at home jobs are available in the second quarter?

Many jobs in call centers are home to the travel consultants and customer service in the hospitality industry, which often spread their work for the summer.


No agenda, you can be more severe in the depths of summer, the most important decision makers in the setting cause, but many companies there is a general slowdown in the pace of work during the summer. CV will be sent at this time, can not be sent to the inbox of someone who is on vacation and will be to the right person, until it is too late to be lost.

This month is the weak coupling point; That is, it is also a starting point for finding low employment. Not only policy makers on holiday as people looking for work. And if that does not give the applicant a bit of an advantage as competition from reasons for those jobs that should be hired for this job season. And maintain the network throughout the summer; You get a good insight into hiring a company to drop the plans.


In early August is a bit like July, but in mid-August vacation comes to an end (especially in areas where school starts in August), and people are waiting for September. The first half of the financial statements for the year are available, and the company are planned in a position for the fourth quarter. So the new opening begins in the second half of this month appear, so that they have resumed to listing.


To work in September, many people back, both recruiters and job seekers. Through the first half of the financial statements for the year available and often the desire to use, what budgeted for the current year, managers think on in the case, how to make new recruits before the end of the year.

What kind of jobs that are work at home in the third quarter available?

In the depths of summer, organizations are prepared in terms of education for the fall. Online tutors and teachers should be before the end of August. It also opens up holiday setting begins in September.


As for January, that hiring initiative in September can not get. From the ground by the end of this month or even next October But in October, executives are more aware of the impending holiday slowdown. Not only managers should hire people before the holidays, but there are many who want the board before the holiday season, so that the pressure on.


In early November can still be setting strong as it rolls forward from October, but Thanksgiving Autumn hot labor market cooled considerably.


Conventional wisdom is that between Thanksgiving and New Year is almost useless for the job search. Hiring someone! Alison Doyle, Job Search Expert debunks the myth and notes that "the employer nor the setting, and it may be candidates less competition from other work at this time of year."

Some may have positions, the 31st of December and previous positions of all, found in September and October, open new jobs, still can and must be completed before the need to be filled.

All that said, it is to crosslink definitely slower this time of year, but also a good time with all the festivities. And unlike in summer when vacation can be continued at any time during this time of year and lost someone by e-mail resume is more predictable when a hiring manager can gone-- weeks of Christmas and Thanksgiving.

What kind of jobs that are work at home in the fourth quarter available?

With tax season in the first quarter, companies like Intuit / TurboTax, until the setting in September, October and November.

What is an average 1,099 a freelancer

Definition: 1099-MISC (download) is a form used to report income to the IRS pays an independent contractor. It is also used to report income, royalties and a variety of other types of income. For independent contractors who work from home, often freelance or consulting, which is often used to show the non-wage compensation (Table 7). In general, independent report contract income in box 7 of Annex C

If you as an independent contractor for a company paid $ 600 or more dollars, the company must issue a 1099-MISC on January 31 of the following year. The delay may sometimes later when January 31 falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

And if your company, an independent contractor to pay $ 600 or more, you should be a period of 1099 you have a copy with the IRS and submit. See IRS Form 1099-MISC for details.

Note: If you have employees working from home, you should retain a Form W-2 reporting their income and taxes not receive a 1099.

Read more:

Disclaimer: I am not a specialist tax lawyer, accountant or tax preparation. The information presented here as a general guide. For specific questions about your own taxes, see IRS publications or consult a tax advisor.

Also known as: 1099 1099MISC

Emergence Virtual Solutions: Scam or No Scam? I gave ...

Virtual arise Solutions is a work of call center companies in the country, the strong opinions for and against inspired.

You will not find these companies at home on my list of work of business because I would not recommend it to my readers (although I have no personal experience with Arise). Some of their business practices - namely waiting for your call center agents repeatedly pay for training - it is something I recommend people to my articles on how to prevent fraud work at home. I say that as a rule, to avoid scams: Do not forget that you are paying jobs; You do not pay for the work.

I have created a list of six business pages of virtual call centers, none of which contain anywhere near the amount of investment that requires its agents. And so I think there are options out there for much less risky agents to bring virtual call center solutions home.

Although I have a lot of negative opinions about Arise Virtual Solutions, there are always people who are satisfied with Arise. If you worked for Arise, sharing your story.

Connect: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Newsletter

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Get the kids in the sun with these 7 ...

I know it's hot, but the kids get caught in the air and Stir Crazy Kids that are blocked by snow. So go with the kids this summer! If the weather is not to be suppressed, dress appropriately - as you would in the winter - Precautions (sunscreen and plenty of water) and try these activities outside for children. Tomorrow, of course, is colder, but some of them are good things to do in the heat of the day (as the first).

When children are old enough, send it to the outside, while playing out of the window. Otherwise, you will get used to the heat, but not too long. Even a short time outside is better than nothing! Summer only comes once a year, so that the daily activities of outdoor summer a child at the time.

Deduction of the Interior Ministry; Tele & # 039

Many Tele are the employees. While many aspects of teleworkers taxes like everyone else (ie receiving a W-2 form instead of a 1099-MISC), a major difference is the Ministry of the Interior.

Teleworking can deduct home office employee costs? The answer is irritating sometimes inaccurate.

Employees who want to deduct home office expenses were small obstacles, to do independent contractors. Of course, everything that the company will reimburse you is not deductible. However, the IRS is also want to know why you work at home, and then, even worse, not unable to recover all your business expenses (including home office) are deductible.

Read on for more home office deduction for employees who telework.

More tax revenue:

Stop fighting! 8 tips for parents who want ...

7 stop fighting before it starts.

Whenever possible, to anticipate situations in which children fight more. Sometimes it's like when traveling in the car, while working in your home office, during transitions from one activity to another or just before meals. Be ready to face these situations.

But also about the kinds of things that they are struggling to rethink toys, televisions, computers, privileges like sitting in a favorite chair or a friend. Develop fair rules for these things without going too far in either straight stem. If everything is exactly the same, the children have the idea that this is how it should be. And in turn have problems accepting the situations that they perceive as unjust, and the battle begins.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

6 conventional strategies to limit TV time

2 TVs rules about what to see

Of course you may not want their children to see what is on TV. But you can not expect immediately to make judgment in a show while you work or busy with other. The choice of a DVD or a pre-recorded TV show is a way to avoid this problem.

I think the DVR is a valuable tool in the regulation of television time. It allows me to see the shows in advance. I just stopped making them, to see what is recorded on the DVR (for me), so I do not see whole because something randomly zapping inadequate.

What is the average in a MLM Upline?


Upline is a term in the multi-level marketing (MLM) are used to people who describe a person in the organization. This includes the person who the salespeople who sometimes set known as the sponsor and the sponsor above. Upline is the opposite of offspring recruited a MLM sales representative. The sponsor of an MLM sales reps are compensated based on their sales as well as your own.

The term is also used to those that describe in more rows of a person in a Ponzi scheme.

Variations: Line, Line-Up

5 The work work at home jobs for moms

Search by discouraging work from home at first, especially for mothers who might have a fulfilling life. But trying to make work in the home of the transition, is the first thing to note, if your current job can tele. If the answer is no, you can start thinking about moving your career in a different direction.

If you want to be a Tele or an independent contractor, work at home jobs are for an office environment in the country and especially the mothers well suited. You can full or part time and get into the rhythm of a busy household with children.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

200 companies that you can work from home

Browse to find the alphabetical list of companies that "work at home" to rent potential jobs.

Note: These companies are known for the work at home jobs for rent, but that's no guarantee that they are hiring right now.

See legitimate work from home jobs Sorted by Career

Medical Billing
Hiring experienced medical billers work from home. Experience with billing practices of physicians (including trading accounts), Medicare, HMO, PPO and Workers Compensation preferred.

Nurse case manager, insurance analyst
Cigna has several types of jobs work home insurance. These include nurses, home as disability and compensation for clinical case managers and registered nurses (RNs) work, analyst relations, vendors, employees contract managers and coordinators said. Try to "work at home" and "work at home" as keywords to find employment for Cigna. Cigna is one of the leading companies in the list of top companies Tele. Securing more work from home jobs

Financial citizens
The financial services company hiring sales people at home in your car Finance Division. Require travel. Under the heading of "remote" in your database. More Home Sales Job

Clark Fork communication
Law and transcription, data entry
Company leases more business experience and legal transcriptionists, has data entry work time, but. Legal transcription rate is $ 0.75 to $ 1.75 per page and ranges from $ 0.40 to $ 1.00 per minute of audio companies. Additional work at home transcription jobs

Data entry, writing, translation
Worldwide Crowd sourcing company provides independent contractors for data entry and editing, translation, and research. Land in a room. Registration and evaluation before "Clickworkers" is required, the acceptance of payments for tasks. Data input start work at home jobs

Online Tutoring
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Coding Compliance Management
Medical Coding
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For more advice on finding employment work at home, you sign up for my free newsletter WAHM.

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Friday, August 15, 2014

5 Tips for better time management for work at home moms

3 kiss routine, but staying creative.

For children of all ages, routines smooth transitions. And the transitions can be difficult for children. Get a morning school routine is efficient is an important step for all output your day. Help routines, but also to other parts of the day, ie, naps, bedtime, dinner, after school, homework, etc, and mothers can use routine within our own practice time management. Select Always check e-mail, telephone, or guarantees other tasks at certain times, that these jobs are.

However, children and adults can also be attached to the routine. Be flexible. Change routines as children grow. Naps disappear; Children are always competent in the tasks; Change childcare for hours. Be willing to change your habits, if necessary.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

7 boxes of lunch as the children (and parents)

2 lunch box bento box with a bag

It's like the traditional bento box, but comes with a convenient bag to put it on. The beauty of a bento box that keeps food touches (something the kids will enjoy), but they are not really made for sandwiches, so that I can, to keep separated. However, a Bento Box do you think about the sandwich for lunch.

Manufacturer: secure plastic lunch box Japanese style with a snap-on lid! This compact box that measures 6.25 inches long lunch and 5 wide and deep about 1.75 cm. The cover snaps on securely with two pat on both sides of the lunch box "easy to use"! The inner compartments easily for cleaning away or eat! It also comes with a nice bag. Read more »

Lunches your kids will love it!

Kid Vs Appeal 1 nutrition

A nutritionally sound lunch means a balance of protein, healthy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables with a little pleasure. You do not want anything with empty calories or caffeine to avoid, so that children are not the offspring of a high sugar content during the afternoon. But children love sweets and candies covet gelled and his classmates of candy.

So, how to pack a nutritious meal that kids love? Well, that's the big question, and my colleagues at has lots of tips, advice and special recipes. But overall I'd say you have to cater to your individual taste. I have three children, and I learned, that means that three different meals - when I get back all afternoon boomerang to me. Get the children involved in the election, and in fact, teaching children how to make their meals.

Another consideration is the coolness factor. Even if your child something smelly like tuna or egg salad, you may not would like to see (or really feel) to eat at school. So not to pack.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Despite the weather, IT & # 039; Time to think ...

While people time of snow, ice and frost speak constantly, this week I heard a radio advertisement for a open day summer camp. I think it was very difficult to see at this time of year, but - believe it or not - it's time to start planning the summer holidays.

And it's not just summer camps try to consolidate the business in the beginning; New year my brother asked me about our vacation plans this summer (which still has a planned vacation two years).

I need to start thinking about it. Now my husband is now working in a tele-independent contractor relationship part-time job (as has done in previous summers). It used to be that we take a vacation from work, pack up our laptops, temporary or part-time while the kids were playing full time.

And the holidays are the most fun thing you think about in the summer; There are all worldly things such as child care and excessive working hours.

This time of year the possibilities of what might seem to make the summer extensive. So, how is start planning what you write, as much as possible, to know what will happen, and then it can happen. Little by little things and the things in the (as when one summer camp open house) to remove from the list, collection of information. Finally, your plan for the summer to come into the discussion.

More about summer:

Getty / Digital Vision

Are all working Scams entry jobs Home Data?

This is a question that often by those who try to work at home moms start asking. Seems like a great place to go to. If you have some writing skills, why not use them to earn money while staying at home with their children?

So what is the answer? Data entry jobs are not necessarily scams, but be careful. Data entry work from home is an area that has so infiltrated with work at home scams, can be difficult to find a job for legitimate data entry. And most jobs legitimate data entry are fairly low wages as specialized as actually pay for the transcription or medical coding, good. Also, how pays an entry job data is important to keep in mind. You can pay in one piece because that may or may not be the best way for a handler data entry to make a good salary.

So beware of big promises and do your homework. First, read about the work at home scams, especially in data entry, before all fraud. And do not send money, someone for a job!

If you've cheated the data entry or if you know of one, please tell us what criminals do not get away with it!

Most work at home jobs:

Saturday, August 9, 2014

5 job online that have little or no experience

Not everyone who wants to work in the country is looking for career options in the long run. Sometimes I just want something that is relatively simple, where you can make extra money quickly. If this applies to you, these five jobs can online just right.

The online application process for jobs or maybe "Night" is the best word, because they are all independent contractors, it is quite simple and straightforward, with very few candidates required. Some of these options, such as micro-jobs that apply well and start on the same day could. And these jobs require very little commitment and usually do in your schedule.

A word of warning, however: Remember that if you need only a little, has little. These jobs do not pay much, and they are not to provide a reference for your resume. There may be several different take on this work orders online in the success you want to draw. And as always, the signs of a work at home scam known solutions.

First job online - Apply and restart the same day (maybe).

What Micro lab?


Micro lab set using means small tasks or orders for the auction or open tender (usually the Internet) to a heterogeneous group of people. These objects could work to be carried out on site, doing odd jobs or errands, or virtual tasks are performed online. Often large data entry projects in many lines of "micro-jobs" to split this kind of work in which individuals acquire each small part of the whole project use.

The online market for micro lab is similar to crowdsourcing. However, the efforts of those who Crowdsourcing is often done without compensation. But usually Micro lab often compensated very small quantities. Another difference is that often uses crowdsourcing highly skilled workers (eg software developers), while micro lab jobs are usually low-skilled (eg shopping, data entry).

Related terms:

  • Crowdsourcing - similar and is sometimes used as a synonym for micro lab, crowdsourcing often require volunteer work.
  • Submission sites - sites like Elance where workers offer to projects are examples of sites of a competition; the difference between them and micro lab is the grade and the complexity of the projects.
  • Independent Contractors - Micro workers are independent contractors, but at the lower end of the wage scale.
  • BPO - Business Process Outsourcing, you see the difference between a micro-and BPO work.
  • Data Entry - Some companies use data entry micro lab break large projects in various data entry tasks performed by a variety of people.
  • Outsourcing - With micro laboratory a kind of outsourcing or offshoring homeshoring is different.

Similar conditions:

Micro workers, micro jobs, micro jobs crowdsourcing

Alternative spellings: micro-work, micro job

7 errors School Lunch: What not to pack too ...

Of course, the parents do not want their school lunches are carefully boomerang back, packed without eating or even worse, end up in the trash in the school cafeteria. However, the fact that parents have very little influence on what actually happens in the school canteen. So the question should parents not only what to pack for lunch, but to consider not packed.

Just as sure to win it in the lunch box; there are losers as well. So if you want your kids to start their school day in the afternoon with a full stomach, make:

  1. Eating Messy
    If your son is a messy eater and do not want to spend their evenings and weekends to remove stains on the clothes of the school, this is obvious. But really, it's not only messy eaters. Every child can run out, and then they will bring the amount released during the day. Age as it is more embarrassing. Left, therefore, the minimization of elements, the major spots.
    Avoid red, like tomato sauce or tomato sauce and drinks or other liquids (such as yogurt in a tube) with bright colors. And do not put mustard.

  2. Foods that are not allowed
    Know the school rules and follow them, even if you do not agree. Your child is, the consequences (and perhaps hungry when lunch "alternative" is served) by going to suffer items that are not allowed.
    Anything that does not allow the school, could the peanut butter, nuts, candy, chewing gum / fruit snacks, lemonade, juice, chips are to be avoided.

  3. Article kids need help
    Children have much time for lunch, dinner and teachers and assistants can open an item for one child at a time. At the time of the kindergartener his coffee has opened for him fruit, lunch can be more. And if he treats himself, he can get in his lap. High bottles are easily shot down by the smallest. Of course, as children grow older is less of a problem, but the practice of opening this ability to accelerate score at home kids.
    Avoid fruit cups, yogurt, cheese sticks, bags of chips, bottles with caps, you need to break a plastic ring in the first opening, etc., until the children can open without assistance.

  4. Foods that are not properly packaged
    Make sure that you carefully prepared dinner. Nothing is that lunch provide will be full without eating a spilled bottle of juice. Although we know that a sandwich tastes crushed, the children will pull to one side. If you plan foods that should be hot or cold get a quality lunch box designed to pack food at the correct temperature to keep. Besides the obvious safety concerns, things like string cheese or yogurt is not very appetizing at room temperature.
    Make sure all covers firmly; pack goods for crushing containers to drive; Use only containers with airtight closure; Check that the water bottles are in good condition, and that the rubber rings intact in insulated containers are injected.

  5. Every day the same
    After all, if the variety the spice of food! Of course, there are certainly some children for whom this is not true. These children can eat the same thing day after day, but over time, they can also get tired of PB & J, after six months of it. Most children, however, still prefer more variety than that. However, as a parent, if you are a fan favorite that you want to keep it found.
    Make sure to turn both the starters and main course on a weekly basis, or, if possible, every day; instead that "favorites" could lose its luster and end up in the trash.

  6. Embarrassing, smelly or not fresh food
    The dining room is more than just a place to consume food; This is a social scene. And it is very difficult for a child, also can navigate without embarrassing lunch. While there is no reason why we need to teach our children to always meet with the stupidity of the social conventions of the primary school, we had to make matters worse. We all have the nose to see your child's lunch aspiration, whether it could give unwanted attention.
    Tuna, garlic, liver pate, cheese and smelly remains of ethnic foods to avoid.

  7. The things they do not like!
    I know this seems obvious, but for us parents, Esser, hope dies picky. It is tempting to fall into something new or something that has been rejected. But the surprises are not welcome to stay in school in general. Sometimes, however, it's just that the father does not remember anything, and that the children are hungry, because my mother put grape jelly on the sandwich instead of the strawberry. Many children throw everything they do not like to avoid, "Why do not you eat carrots?" Conversation.
    Tip: Let's help the children, so that you get the packed school feeding the low-down on what you really want for lunch.
All this seems too complicated for your school in the morning? You are not alone! Maybe it's better to buy lunch in the school cafeteria. See the pros and cons of buying school meals.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

As a parent class in the school

Never was asked to be a parent class in school? It can be a difficult decision, they want to help, but the parents of the class can have a big responsibility.

When it comes voluntarily in the school to the mothers, who often work from home end up doing a lot of it. Teachers, parents and other children, the time to take come in day programs in the school or organization of volunteers events. But not all mothers who have to work at home a flexible schedule or part-time work. So learn to say "no" is an important part to achieve work / life balance.

However, there are times when we do not want to say yes. So if you're thinking about becoming a parent class, here are some questions that you can do:

1 What is the object of the parent class?

Ask the teacher (and / or the person you hire for the job) a parent of the class during the school year. Some schools may have a written job description for the room. Regardless of the job description, some teachers may want a lot of help, or very little, talk with the teacher is essential.

Ask for names of other parents in the class (or call the parent class last year), to require an idea of the amount of time to get to be a parent class. This item is to do in the room with parents? can give an idea of the duties of the parents of the students in the class, but keep in mind that this will vary from school to school.

2 I need the help of other parents?

If you need help from other parents who can get the job of parenting more manageable to do class. Maybe you could be a parent co-space that makes phone calls while planning events or vice versa. Also remember that these days, it is no more than "the mother of the room." Father can also help. A voluntary commitment and family labor share.

3 I have time to do the work of one of the parent class property?

Before taking volunteering to make honest assessments about whether you need to be a good parent class time. Consider not only the time you have, but if you are available. If a quarter of parents in their child's school will not allow in the school during the day and often your work this kind of flexibility, this may not be the job for you. In addition, if the work is mainly phone calls at night and that's when you work, maybe find another way to help.

Consider your work schedule. This will change or be used for a certain period? Also consider the time commitments in school with other children.

4 What does my son?

Does your child love, a parent in the room or a source of endless embarrassment? If your child wants you to be a family room, there is a reason to test it. However, you may need to say no if you do not allow the time.

5 that could help in any other way?

If you decide to can not take responsibility, but want to help, give the teacher or parent room for other types of volunteer support. Could you offer to plan or cut a unique event for the class or copy the work of the house of the teacher. Just because you can not make the room more involvement from the parents, does not mean you can not participate in the classroom your child.

6 ways to find free childcare

Free childcare! I bet you are skeptical. If you get what you pay for, so child care is something you want to pay. But I'm not saying the kids to take care of someone ... just the opposite.

To find free childcare while. Upon the resources of child care in your community Check out the services already paid or friends you work a trade of trust.

Infants and young children are labor intensive, most of these approaches are best for children of school age. And most of them do not last too long. But when does a work at home mother, the child care part-time, you can fragments of time that child care is offered to enjoy.

1 Kid exchange or game data

Mom working from home
Katrina Witt Kamp / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Talk to others as the spirit of the housework and housewives in an exchange of child. Then plan a reading. Hosts a day, then the parents of the child fit on another day. This gives your child the opportunity to play data in the interior and exterior of your home.

Tip: If it works well, I have it as a permanent facility. For example, you may receive on Tuesday and the other guests of the family on Thursday.

2 Members Museum / Pool

If you. Membership in the family to museums and billiard clubs, which often allow a nanny to buy your child without having to take Usually you have to write a note or the name of the person who puts on membership. A friend, perhaps a mother with children the same age as you can, the opportunity to see the pool or to the museum for free in exchange for their children, do appreciate. While the babysitter was free, their children would not be, but often users can buy packages of customers at a reduced price, so it is a good deal for all.

Tip: This strategy works best when the children a little older. Ask your babysitter can comfortably handle your children and theirs., In this situation, especially in the pool

3 with gym childcare

Unlike the rest of these ideas for free child care, in fact it is best for small children. Many health clubs have facilities for childcare, often aimed at toddlers and preschoolers, as an added benefit for their members. If this is to enjoy the event. If you is not the case, consider one that works.

You can not go, but you can bring your laptop and work on in the lobby after training. Of course you have to pay for membership, but if there is something you would have to pay anyway, so basically is the free childcare.

Tip: If you do not have a laptop to bring another object, such as the payment of bills is to make it easier when the kids are busy.

4 clubs, lessons, music lessons, sports and other activities for children

Many communities offer classes and free or low cost activities for children. Enjoy this (or activities that you would pay anyway) free child care work while their children learn. Bring your laptop or pack a bag of tricks at home working mother. If the class is quite long and is close to home, you may be able to leave the children and go home to get some things.

Tip: Find classes by taking a parenting magazine or local newspaper in your area or ask friends. When a friend in the same class enrolled parents can exchange up and back functions.

5 grandparents and relatives

Grandparents helped take care of children from the time of cavemen. But if the occasional evening or full-time child care, there are issues of child care parents and grandparents want to talk first, ie the rules when they entertain children, payment plans, etc.

Tip: Grandparents enjoy among the children proposed in the pool or the museum as in # 2.

6 Childcare Coop

Start or to a babysitting co-op with other mothers who are at home during the day. Ask.'s Friends, or use online resources such as lists local broadcasting or websites for children in your area a cooperative nursery school

What & # 039; How is the work from home BSG VoiceLog


Call centers, audit services

Description of the company:

Based in San Antonio, TX, BSG (Billing Services Group) is a specialized BPO "Payment solutions that maximize the value of the local phone bill." This includes customers with third-party verification through the call recording technology VoiceLog by call center agents in the home-based.

Types of Jobs-At-Home:

BSG works with independent contractors in their division of labor in the household; We do not hire home workers for traditional employment. He takes incoming funds, the English, Spanish or bilingual to speak check made by the telephone company calls from sales agents. Calibration uses a script and a set of questions to the company's customers who change their phone service. Opening times are from 8.00 bis 00.00 clock EST, teams of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 hours at a time. Pay is $ 8.50 per hour for these phones non-sales jobs.

The requirements for the position:

You must be an American citizen with a social security number that is. Within the United States You must be at least 18 years old and made capable of a background check. One year experience in customer service in a call center preferred, and the agents need to be patient and reliable and a unified voice in all situations.

Not in the USA? Find a Job in Canada Call Center or employment in any of the Work-at-Home Jobs worldwide.

Requirements of the Ministry of the Interior:

Agents require a quiet home office with a PC with Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7 or Mac OS X, at least 2 GB RAM. You should run an anti-virus program and Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, Microsoft Word, Excel and a working printer. Also e-mail and access to high-speed Internet paid (cable or DSL). A second landline phone must be installed in your home. It will be dedicated to incoming calls and no calling features (call waiting, voice mail, etc.).

The requirements are fairly typical for most companies call center at home. See requirements for commonly used office call center at home.

Application BSG:

Send your request via the website of the BSG. Candidates to contact you if there openings. Applications from eligible candidates will be held for six months.

For more telework you find in this directory work at home business. Other profiles of this type are those jobs Business Center profiles call home.

Warning: The ads work at home business opportunities or appear on this page under the heading "Links" or elsewhere are not necessarily legitimate. These ads are not checked by me, but on the side by the similar keywords to the text on the page. More about work at home work sponsored links.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Get the kids in the sun with these 7 ...

I know it's hot, but the kids are in the air, than children who as in. So with the kids snowed this summer are restless caught! If the weather is not to be suppressed, dress appropriately - as you would in the winter - Precautions (sunscreen and plenty of water) and treatment of these outdoor activities for children. Tomorrow, of course, is colder, but some of these activities are in the heat of the day (the first one).

If the children are old enough, send them outside to play while. Out the window Otherwise, you'll get used to the heat, plus it should not be too long. Even a short time has gone better than nothing! Summer only comes once a year so make it part of their time outdoors daily activities of the child summer.

Water play

White girl shoot water pistols
Blend Images - Mike Kemp / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

Kids love to get wet. And there are many ways for them to do. Sprayed each other with the garden hose set, Get a water table fill, a children's pool start or even turn it into a pool. Of course, all these options are not practical for all WAHM, work according to their age and their children, but many of them can be solved.

Organize a treasure hunt

Treasure Map
SXC / alexdehnel

Children find for capricious if gymkhanas are always a big hit. Sure, you can can do this inside, but taking off brings a new level of fun. (A treasure hunt is when a series of clues leads the children, then a treasure hunt in search of a list of items. Become a "treasure") Just be sure to set the parameters set for the hunting suitable and safe for their children .

Get Messy

Young children with plasticine
Getty Marilyn Conway

Outside is a good place for all those dirty things that children love. Putting children in old clothes or a bathing suit, and then spray on everything when you're done. If you find a nice shady spot in your garden for these activities, you can put a jumper box is contain the necessary materials that you do not need to perform every day. Mom can look out the window or take from your work. There are so many things that this approach works well, for example:

Go to the playground

Dad zone to play
Getty / Sean Gallup

Although it may be possible to work for mom at the playground, according to its wireless capabilities, is not a very productive environment. And honestly, probably not worth it for the kids that you see during the breaks with the nose on the phone. However, a trip to the playground just what you a mother who must work at home. Children can burn excess to the playground and go quietly into the Power Nap (if the parent can then get things done). You can also give something to look forward to the children. Even if you keep it as a reward, make sure you follow through with your end of the bargain!

Take indoor activities

Activities for children - Games - Activities for children from work at home moms
Getty / Martial Colomb

Limit your activities made within only those messy. You can even other indoor activities - such as reading, journaling and drawing - and move it to a shady spot in the yard. Take the job well. When children stay focused, it's nice right unpleasant task a little.

Some of the activities that can be fun to take you to another outside, like a treasure hunt dimension. In the same vein is a fantastic game. Children in costumes and act out various fantasies, they would on the inside. Although not absolutely necessary, outdoor theater the imagination of children can inspire.

Playing outdoor games

Ulrik Tofte / Getty
School probably know more outdoor games, are reminded of the, because they play at recess. You must therefore only some suggestions for progress.

Of course, most of the games, you will probably need two or three players for most games. Therefore, planning a day of play is often a good way to keep the kids occupied while you work. It's a bit more with the friends for you!

Here are some ideas for outdoor activities: jump rope, swings statue, horse, red light, green light, play hide and seek, ball, Freeze Tag, four square, hopscotch, and Capture the Flag. And, of course, play ball works well for all ages.

Have a picnic

Picnic with children

Picnic My theory has always been: you have to eat, right? So take on the road. Yes, more time needed for a picnic and walk or drive to the picnic. However, the advantage that the children outdoors could outweigh the pleasure. I love dinner picnic. Do not disturb the flow of the working day, and give the kids something to look forward. But picnic can do well with small children due to the extra exercise and time outdoors will help a long nap.

The Complete Guide to Work-at-Home Call Center ...

American Airlines

Job type: Permanent
Cost: No cost; potential cost of the equipment
Geographic Restrictions: Must live within 75 miles of Fort Worth, Texas.

Airline offers work at home as booking agents for CSR with experience. Ten weeks on-site training is not required. When positions are available, which can be found in the database of job-search for "home." Pay starts at $ 9.50. Health and dental insurance, are some of the advantages of the workstation paid leave and travel privileges.


Apple at home

Job type: Permanent
Costs: the potential cost of the equipment, but Apple has a computer and cell phone.
Duration, hours: Part-time with possibility of full-time during peak periods
Geographical constraints Office must be within 100 miles of certain cities AZ, CA, FL, GA, LA, MO, NM, NV, OH, OK, TX, UT, and Ontario. Students must be registered in the school recruiting Apple that are in the countries mentioned above.

Apple at home is a work in prison Apple appeal, in which both students and non-students. A part of the company's AppleCare department. Use the keyword "home" on the basis of the work of the company.


Job type: Permanent
Cost: No cost, and the potential cost of the equipment; Home offices for call center jobs.
Duration: Proposed temporary
Geographic restrictions: Some U.S. states
Call center company provides home agent as an employee in several U.S. states for full-time and part-time. Spanish bilingual agents are needed.

Health services CareNet

Job type: Permanent
Cost: The cost for a possible team
Duration, opening times: Full-time work during the night may be available and / or necessary
Geographic restrictions: CO, IA, MD, MS, MO, NE, NH, NC, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WI
Medical call center companies recruit nurses to work from home. Other positions call center office in San Antonio, TX-based. RN salary is $ 25 per hour.


Job type: Permanent
Cost: The cost for a possible team
Geographic restrictions: FL, GA, KS, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NV, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA and WY

Formerly CenturyTel and EMBARQ is Century a provider of voice, broadband and video to consumers and businesses in 33 states. Work at home call center jobs pay around $ 10-11/per time. Bilingual encouraged to apply. Database search of employment by "work at home".

View Tips Call Center Home Company of people who wrote in another Century and virtual call center.

Cloud 10

Job type: Permanent
Cost: Possible equipment costs.
Duration, opening times: 32 to 40 hours per week
Hiring customer service representative by telephone, sales representatives and support staff for the work of labor. Paid training.

Convergys Home Agent program

Job type: Permanent
Cost: Possible equipment costs.
Duration, opening times: dates with 16 to 40 hours per week available
Geographical constraints most U.S. states, Canada and the UK
Virtual call center agents receive incoming calls and provide services, services which may include sales and technical support service. Convergys provides training and benefits. View reader comments Convergys.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Putting children back critics

Honestly, the price of the pack instead of children (under $ 20), I did not expect to take more than one school year, but it took five years! At this time I was buying new backpacks every child in the cycle of years. This was partly because that's what I wanted my children, but because I am always looking for a bargain, and thus ended up with a cheap backpack that was not to last.

Unfortunately, the year I got my first purchase of backpacks Show children who just happen to buy one for my youngest son, who was at the time in the nursery. The other children had everything they had chosen the backpack in a big box store, and I paid more for it. Your Backpacks barely lasted the year.

What I have learned from this experience is that their two equally important to the children to buy backpack last elements: quality and long lasting appeal. For more tips on choosing a backpack.


It was not only the price of the backpack child has place me do not believe it would take; Material seemed fragile and thin. However, long-term, it makes no difference, its sustainability. Most of the time when an error backpack, couture, or more likely, zippers and padlocks. However, the fabric in the laundry, which has never happened with this backpack, fade. In the long term, the light quality of the fabric was an advantage, because it dries quickly, if it is washed and air dried.

As with zippers and padlocks they had for the duration. When we pulled out of the bag, is because my 8 year old son wanted a different style than it did when I was three. Sounds good to me!

The backpack is wide enough (measures 16.5 "HX 11.5" WX 6 "D) without great for a preschooler or toddler. University with many books and / or binder is probably not enough to find out. (For older children, see other high quality backpacks.) As for the available models, apparently these backpacks are for preschool and elementary children.

The padded shoulder was good, what is comfortable too. And the number of internal and external pockets were right. Too many things are lost! Too little: Everything is squeezed.

Called long-term

My daughter is no longer available, but it was basically a version of primary color camouflage. It was colorful and attractive, but it was not childish or too girly and. And I think that's a big reason I did not want to move to an earlier style. Backpack image is the version of "the guys we had. Backpacks full-screen mode rather children have this attractive classic designs. Characters No, but interest in the subject (eg sports, peace sign) designs or other patterns such as leopard or camouflage prints that long-term use.

Many current types of backpacks for children in the baby department store are cute animals faces. Children can choose from these models before you develop the backpack. (Note:. Such models are smaller (11.5 "HX 9.5" WX 3.5 "D) and for young children in preschool or intention) bags in full-screen mode, which I recommend, not too big for a preschool child , so I would to go to your baby, even for a preschooler. Often these children are large documents. their backpacks, rucksacks, falling crashed in young children

What is it like to work at home BSG VoiceLog


Call center services review

Company description:

Headquartered in San Antonio, TX, BSG (Billing Services Group) is a specialized BPO "Payment solutions that maximize the value of the local phone bill." This includes the provision of services to customers of third party verification through the call recording technology VoiceLog of call center agents at home.

Types of jobs at home:

GRB works with independent contractors in the division of labor in the household; We have not set a home worker to traditional employment. Are agents should speak English Entrée, Spanish or bilingual to evaluate made from the phone company calls from sales agents. Officers check with a script and a set of questions from the customers of the phone company to spend their service. The opening times are 08.00 clock until midnight EST in teams of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 hours at a time. The pay is $ 8.50 per hour for these phones sales jobs.

The requirements for the position:

You must be a U.S. citizen has a social security number, living in the United States. You must be at least 18 years old and capable of a background check. Preferred One year customer service experience in a call center, and the agents must be patient and reliable and an even tone of voice in all situations.

Not in the U.S.? Search for a job in Canada Call Center or employment in any of the., The entire work at home

Requirements to the Ministry of the Interior:

Agents require a quiet home office with a PC running Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 or Mac OS X that has at least 2 GB of RAM. You must run antivirus software and Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, Microsoft Word, Excel and a working printer. As e-mail and high-speed Internet access for a fee (cable or DSL). A second fixed-line telephone must be installed in your home. It will be dedicated to the incoming calls and no call features (call waiting, voice mail, etc.).

The requirements are fairly typical of most home call center companies. Learn more about the requirements of typical offices for call center in the house.

BSG application:

Send your request via the BSG site. Applicants to contact you if there openings. Qualified applicants are applications for six months.

For more telework can be found in the working directory home businesses. Other profiles of this kind, this work home call center business.

Warning: The ads work at home jobs or business opportunities on this site in the "Links" section has written or elsewhere are not necessarily legitimate. These ads are not checked by me, but on the side due to appear similar to the text his tags on page. More information about sponsored links work at home.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Not only make money from home; Save

Although working from home is not without start-up costs, many of these costs by the savings that working from home brings can be covered. Even if you are part-time telecommuting, you can save money. So if you plan to be away to spend life in the office, here are some areas where you can save some green stuff summer. Other money advice

1 commuting

GettyBetsie-van-der-sea Commuter.jpg
Getty / Betsie Van Der Meer

If you are the public transportation to work, you will immediately notice in your pocket more money if you do not have to get out for the monthly or daily cost change. Even if you could tele cost savings part-time traffic can be eliminated by a full-time commuter monthly discount.

If you drive to work, you can be your savings higher, but not immediately perceptible. Not only telecommuting saves money on gas on your car reducing the number of miles. This in turn means less maintenance and repair costs and can reduce your car insurance payments.

Advantages: The advantages of working from home

February. Childcare

Not all moms working at home to save money for child care for telework, but many will. Although some WAHMs telework can not do with child care, work at home moms, not usually work full-time with a part-time care.

How child care more

March. Time is money.

This manifests itself in a thousand different ways for each of us. Mothers who work at home, can not have unlimited time. But when working out, we tend to spend more time saving, which usually cost extra now. Some ways to save money:

  • Volunteer in your child's school, rather than spend more money on fundraising.
  • Kitchen freshest ingredients, which means less control or the use of expensive prepared foods.
  • Perform minor maintenance of the house itself.
  • Shop for the best deal on electricity costs, such as insurance, telephone, cable, etc.

More: The Art of Multitasking

April. Food

Of course you will eat when working from home. In fact, if you are not careful, you can eat more! But you have to pay almost the same. The cost of the preparation of the food is much less to eat every day. And it is better for you in general. If you like leftovers, you can find to make a little more at dinner is a convenient way to get ready always over breakfast.

The same applies to coffee or tea. Make a whole pot of less than a cost of a cup of coffee, so it is easier to splurge on gourmet brand.

5 clothes.

They require less elegant (and expensive) dress at work from home. If you different devices suitable work for each day of the week, not only cost more, but almost a part of the creativity it takes buying clothes. I love the challenge, the purchase of movable items that can be mixed and matched for both smart and casual occasions.

In addition, the clothes have less wear, shoes, to get particular. (I almost never wear while working.)

Kids can cook pancakes

The pancake recipe is quite friendly ... well, except the hot plate and all. Adults should supervise use of the property and giving instructions about the pancake flipping.


  • Flour 1 1/2 cup
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 tsp butter (melted)
  • Milk 1 1/4 cup
  • 1 egg
  • Cooking spray


In a large bowl, add all the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Dig a square in the center of the dry ingredients.

Melt the butter in a microwave safe bowl (low-power set for 20 seconds. That's fine, if not completely melted.) Pour the butter, milk, eggs and vanilla in the center of dry ingredients.

With electric mixer, under adult supervision, mix until all ingredients are well mixed. Use a spoon to scrape the flour from the side of the bowl.

Spray a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. For a stove top with medium heat. (Learning for the children, an iron pancake will return in a frying pan is recommended.)

Fill half a ladle of batter and slowly pour in the hot plate. Repeat, leaving plenty of room between pancakes for easy turning.

When the pancakes are full of small bubbles, slide a spatula under the crepe and back. Bake for 30-45 seconds and use a spatula to loosen the plate.

Important: If the "Kids Can Cook" Recipes are written with children in mind, they are not necessarily for children to do without the help of adults. Age and knowledge of cooking for children influence is needed on the level of support in the kitchen. So that the children ask their parents ever before cooking anything!