Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Get the kids in the sun with these 7 ...

I know it's hot, but the kids are in the air, than children who as in. So with the kids snowed this summer are restless caught! If the weather is not to be suppressed, dress appropriately - as you would in the winter - Precautions (sunscreen and plenty of water) and treatment of these outdoor activities for children. Tomorrow, of course, is colder, but some of these activities are in the heat of the day (the first one).

If the children are old enough, send them outside to play while. Out the window Otherwise, you'll get used to the heat, plus it should not be too long. Even a short time has gone better than nothing! Summer only comes once a year so make it part of their time outdoors daily activities of the child summer.

Water play

White girl shoot water pistols
Blend Images - Mike Kemp / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

Kids love to get wet. And there are many ways for them to do. Sprayed each other with the garden hose set, Get a water table fill, a children's pool start or even turn it into a pool. Of course, all these options are not practical for all WAHM, work according to their age and their children, but many of them can be solved.

Organize a treasure hunt

Treasure Map
SXC / alexdehnel

Children find for capricious if gymkhanas are always a big hit. Sure, you can can do this inside, but taking off brings a new level of fun. (A treasure hunt is when a series of clues leads the children, then a treasure hunt in search of a list of items. Become a "treasure") Just be sure to set the parameters set for the hunting suitable and safe for their children .

Get Messy

Young children with plasticine
Getty Marilyn Conway

Outside is a good place for all those dirty things that children love. Putting children in old clothes or a bathing suit, and then spray on everything when you're done. If you find a nice shady spot in your garden for these activities, you can put a jumper box is contain the necessary materials that you do not need to perform every day. Mom can look out the window or take from your work. There are so many things that this approach works well, for example:

Go to the playground

Dad zone to play
Getty / Sean Gallup

Although it may be possible to work for mom at the playground, according to its wireless capabilities, is not a very productive environment. And honestly, probably not worth it for the kids that you see during the breaks with the nose on the phone. However, a trip to the playground just what you a mother who must work at home. Children can burn excess to the playground and go quietly into the Power Nap (if the parent can then get things done). You can also give something to look forward to the children. Even if you keep it as a reward, make sure you follow through with your end of the bargain!

Take indoor activities

Activities for children - Games - Activities for children from work at home moms
Getty / Martial Colomb

Limit your activities made within only those messy. You can even other indoor activities - such as reading, journaling and drawing - and move it to a shady spot in the yard. Take the job well. When children stay focused, it's nice right unpleasant task a little.

Some of the activities that can be fun to take you to another outside, like a treasure hunt dimension. In the same vein is a fantastic game. Children in costumes and act out various fantasies, they would on the inside. Although not absolutely necessary, outdoor theater the imagination of children can inspire.

Playing outdoor games

Ulrik Tofte / Getty
School probably know more outdoor games, are reminded of the, because they play at recess. You must therefore only some suggestions for progress.

Of course, most of the games, you will probably need two or three players for most games. Therefore, planning a day of play is often a good way to keep the kids occupied while you work. It's a bit more with the friends for you!

Here are some ideas for outdoor activities: jump rope, swings statue, horse, red light, green light, play hide and seek, ball, Freeze Tag, four square, hopscotch, and Capture the Flag. And, of course, play ball works well for all ages.

Have a picnic

Picnic with children

Picnic My theory has always been: you have to eat, right? So take on the road. Yes, more time needed for a picnic and walk or drive to the picnic. However, the advantage that the children outdoors could outweigh the pleasure. I love dinner picnic. Do not disturb the flow of the working day, and give the kids something to look forward. But picnic can do well with small children due to the extra exercise and time outdoors will help a long nap.

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