Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to convince a proposal to your boss, write ...

Perhaps one of the most important things that you prove to your boss in a proposal for Tele that you have done your research. A well-documented proposal not only the necessary points to express, to convince his superiors, but to work well as a demonstration of their ability to autonomously and a quality product. Not just jump in and start writing, make sure to read:

Elements of a proposal for Tele

You can present the proposal with a brief cover letter, especially if it will be distributed to several people. But his own proposal, a company to take over as a client you expect to convince her business could be prepared to do with your project.

Note: The section titles refer to your advantage as a player, not necessarily for its proposal. It is likely that the title of his proposal, but need to adapt properly.


A brief introduction shows what you want and what is good for the company. If you a sample contract telephoto or part-time status as well as the front part. Keep it short, because you. Time after the development of its points


Go to the top of the proposal will briefly show that favorable context information. This could personally identifiable information, such as skills, positive performance reviews, years of work, etc., or information on telework policy or existing flexible working are now. Save more explanations why Tele would be for later, though.

How could telework to work

This is where you get into the practical details, how this arrangement would work. This is probably so that you can be a dense segment information of the proposal, bulleted or share fonts to make it easier on your car (s).

  • Work tasks - What daily, weekly and monthly job tasks you do and how each of them can do at home? If you offer part-time-TELE, the tasks at home and in the office are.
  • Hours - certainly if you work different hours, you have in the office, you will want to touch this subject. But even if you do not want, it is always a good idea, the status of their scheduled times. This can be a guarantee against hope that it works every time.
  • Technology - What technology is required to work for this arrangement? If you already have a laptop at work, so to say. If you want to use your computer at home, say what software / modifications will be needed for this. Are you able to log on to the local network of your company today? If this is the case, for example; If not, describe what needs to be done to make this option available.
  • Costs / logistics - If the new technology needed, pay for it? What does it cost anything? There are many free services that are useful for telecommuters, there may be more of the services your company already paid (eg SharePoint) to use. To work when you come into the office, are you? At home, explain where it works. If you have a dedicated room for your home office, be sure to mention it.
  • Communication - Prepare a communication plan. In addition to specifying how to carry out routine communication with colleagues, clients and caregivers (phone, email, conferences, etc.), you can use a normal telephone appointment with your boss or your use of conference services for meetings. You have to put on events that require face-to-face communication.
  • Disclaimer - Submit a plan for a review of the situation. For example, select a period, for example 90 days, six months later, the Treaty of you and your boss will be reviewed. It is important, if you brought in your proposal or to discuss later, set the expectations of what success looks like to be in advance.

Benefits to Society

Begin with services specific to your situation. How can telework helps to do your best work? And then definitely erwähnens work from home to improve your personal quality of life is worth it, not to run it and make you do it in terms of how you help your job better.

Possible problems and solutions

This is the one you said in the proposal, if it made an obvious potential problem desired information. Only then included in the proposal and must have a viable solution. However, as you write your proposal, you can write down a list of possible problems and their solutions, so that when we answer these questions are about Tele with your boss that you are willing to talk.


If you have small children at home, you can make your child care plan may say, assuming your plan is to have a child care person from himself. And that should be your plan really; no employer wants to pay in order to do two things at once. (For more information on determining the reason for child care while working at home). However, other potential problems that could be a problem to meet in person and not in its formal proposal.

Next Steps

Give your supervisor a clear choice for the next step can help prevent your application that lost in limbo, but it should be an option. It is not a meeting or a hearing on the need. Suggest a time for individual in-depth discussion on the subject.

Summary / Thanks

Hold a brief summary, but it's always good to say thank you.

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